Tuesday 4 February 2014

Creative Genius YOU: Challenge Tip 5

Let's Get Creating!

Welcome to today's Challenge Tip.

So, how was last week?

Did you get random and weird?

Did you raid your recycle bin??

What lessons did you learn from this exercise???

I really hope you enjoyed this exercise and got some stress-relief therapy too.

This challenge is also quite therapeutic - so have lots of fun with it!

So in today's challenge we are going to put the last 4 weeks exercises into something BIG!

But hold on - don't feel too overwhelmed as I will break it down week by week.

Remember you can go back to week 1's challenge anytime for a refresher and we have been building on it for the last 4 weeks - building on your confidence and giving your creative juices permission to flow.

Right, so let's get into today's Challenge Tip!

Challenge Tip 5: 

Let's Get Creating!

So for the past 4 weeks we have started from the basics - getting a journal and pens/pencils (with the rubber) together all the way to getting random objects and seeing what random things we can make from them.

Now, I want you to create something!

Yes, YOU the creator of your creative innovation.

No this can be anything - and I mean absolutely anything as the creative possibilities are endless.

It could be something as small as a knitting a heart (that's a note to self!) to writing an eBook (which is my main focus this year - more eBooks and books) to writing a poem, to launching your own creative ideas company!

Honestly - whatever you want.

Now you're probably scratching your head and thinking; 'Well, where do i begin?'

Take all the lessons you have learnt from the last four weeks and get to work.

Do you remember the 'Let's Get Thinking' Challenge in week 2? And those 15 minute exercises? And the exercise in nature?

Well, grab your journal and do that exercise again for today's challenge.

Brainstorm ideas - narrow them down to like-minded categories (i.e. knitting, sewing, crocheting - or - vlogs, animations, adverts, etc).

Get the picture?


So go ahead now and get brainstorming - and using the idea from 'Let's Get Pinteresting' Challenge and your creative folders you created? Remember?

See, we really were building on each week for something big.

Choose 3 categories and then 1 idea from each category and then the top one from those 3.

It can be whatever you want from that list and then brainstorm that idea on how you will actually go about achieving it or making it happen.

Next week I will break this down for you further and go through a whole coaching model with you (Since I'm a Creative Coach) and I will also have a webinar next week for my personal development brand which will also be beneficial for you with this challenge.

But for now - get into it and comment below with what idea you will work on for your 'Creative Genius YOU Challenge Project!' :)

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