Tuesday 28 January 2014

Creative Genius YOU: Challenge Tip 4

Let's Get Random and Weird!

I bet (betting is haraam!) this one made you go; 'Huh?!'

See, what happens is that, years of conditioning - family/school/society - can sometimes leave us very vulnerable and somewhat 'scared' to show our true personalities. 

Think about it for a moment - you are on this challenge for a reason - and maybe one of those reasons is that you always wanted to unleash your creative juices but were 'afraid' of what others would say and think that you are weird or random (two words sometimes associated with creative souls).

I know how that feels - because that is how i felt too!

And I'm one of those uber-weird-random-spontaneous souls who comes out with alsorts.

Being random and weird is actually quite cool.

I mean, even this challenge was born out of random spontaneousness - and look we are now in week 4 already- AND something random inspired this weeks challenge.

Basically i finished eating a box of chocolate nibbles and started playing with the outer packaging which was made from soft card.

It was all bendy as it was used to seal the transparent box - so my choc-nibbles wouldn't fall out - and as i sat there on the floor, by the fire (it's rainy and cold) i just started playing with it and lo behold i came up with so many different shapes (and it was kinda therapeutic too!).

And so this inspired me for today's challenge.

Ready to get weird and random?

OK, let's go!

Challenge Tip 4:

Let's Get Random and Weird!

Go through your recycle box and pick out an empty box or it's outer packaging.

Now for the next 15 minutes just play with it and see how many shapes or designs or usages you can come up with.

The trick is to just go for it and play with it at random.

Try not to force yourself into creating something or coming up with something, for if you are new to this, (and we did do this as kids and even in adult days we do this randomly and don't realise it) then you'll just end up annoying yourself for not being able to come up with anything.

Try this exercise and then find some other bits and pieces in your recycle box and have a play with them also.

This is opening up your confidence and you are now allowing yourself to explore and experiment with your creativity without being scared or thinking that you'll be judged.

It's actually quite fun - I had to drag myself away from the packaging! lol.

Right, so this is your challenge for this week and as the week progresses do this exercise once every day and you'll see how your personality also develops and how you start to live your personality openly a little more.

Have fun! :)


  1. I enjoyed your article!

    Creativity is something that I value greatly, and this challenge that you share in the article is fun, unique, and weird in a good way. I share the belief that you talk about that doing weird and random things can lead to experiences and learning that can impact our lives in ways we didn't anticipate.

    I'm going to give this a shot, and I have the perfect cardboard box in mind!

    Thanks for the creativity!



    1. Thank you for your comment Jeremy and have fun with your box! I think being bold and spontaneous - like with this exercise - can really help those who want to be open and outgoing but are shy and timid maybe - but it can also help the more advanced creative souls when they are looking for some inspirations! :)
