Tuesday 14 January 2014

Creative Genius YOU: Challenge Tip 2

Let's Get Thinking!

OK my creative souls - how was 'Challenge Tip 1?'

Did you get your journal, notebook, pen, pencil (with the rubber) and colours together?

Did you start doodling and googling already?

I'm sure you have - you're already ahead of me on this ;)

So, today - or shall I say this week - our challenge is to...but wait...there are three parts to this weeks challenge tip. Ready? :D

Challenge Tip 2:

Let's Get Thinking!

Yes I know you already do that and you're pretty awesome at it too - however the idea now is to start daydreaming, doodling and googling.

But where to get inspiration or what to think?

Part a - Here I would say set a timer for 15 minutes to do nothing but drift off in to day-dream land.

We are not forcing ourselves to think anything in particular and I know you want to give it your best shot and you may be worried that you may get those unsolicited thoughts that you don't want during this 15 minute session - but it's OK, remember it is all a process and we are in early days taking baby steps and just learning.

Once your timer pulls you out your dream land start jotting down your thoughts - draw them - doodle them - whatever suits you.

Again, right now we are just getting the hang of this so allow whatever comes to you.

Part b - Also in this weeks challenge I want you to start doodling.


Grab your notebook or journal, pop on your music of choice, get out into nature - observe, listen, drift off with the sounds and pretty scenes and just let your hand guide your pencil!

That sounds deep!

And - Part c - get on google and google!

Really, just google keywords from your doodlings and your note-takings (from parts a and b) and see what images come up (I'm so praying it's nothing haraam and explicit!).

Create a folder on your PC, laptop, ipads, smartphones and call it 'TFA - Challenge 2014) and save the images in that folder - we'll need them later.

Right, so that is this weeks challenge and if you're serious about this challenge which I know you are then each day for the next 7 days spend a maximum of 45 minutes on all parts (that's parts a, b and c).

Yes, you can spend longer - however - if you are a newbie you don't want to get overwhelmed with it all - but if you enjoy it then go for it.

That's it for this week. I'll be back with Challenge Tip #3 next week - in the meantime like, share and get interacting with this post and challenge - I look forward to hearing from you! :)

Have an awesome and creative week ahead!

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