Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Creative Genius YOU: Challenge Tip 6

Let's Get Coaching!

We're in week 6 and welcome back my Creative Geniuses! :D

I hope that you've been enjoying the challenge and have been actively getting creative.

Remember, this Challenge is all about helping you unleash your creative juices and to help you live a more confident and creative life - starting right now.

If you are new to this and reading this for the very first time and want to join in then just simply scroll down to Challenge Tip 1 and begin!

Right, so, in this weeks Challenge we will take one of your ideas and work through making it happen.

I hope you've got your journals and pens/pencils (with the rubber) ready to take notes.

Just to point out - we all have our unique ways of taking notes.

You may be someone who likes taking long notes.

You may like to take notes in bullet-point form.

Or you may even doodle and make creative bubbles (mind-maps) to jot notes.

What works for you - works for you, so feel free to work the way that makes you khaapy!.

Challenge Tip 6:

Let's Get Coaching!

I want you to take one idea from the top three hat you chose.

If you can't decide then get creative.

Write the ideas on a piece of scrap paper, put them in a hat, close your eyes and choose one! 

Done? Cool.

So, whatever your ideas - here's how we will make it happen.

I'm going to use the example of writing an eBook.

So to begin with my goal or 'intention' (as i like to call it) is to write an eBook and publish it on to Amazon Kindle.

So here insert your goal or intention................................................

Now, here comes my uniqueness in coaching. Ask yourself; 'How sincere am I in this intention?' 'Why is this goal or intention important to me?' 'What do I want to achieve'.

With the eBook example I would answer by saying; 'I'm very sincere (typical answer) as I want to take my writing skills further. This goal is important to me as I have an important message which can inspire and motivate those who are seeking soul therapy and I want to help people find inner peace by understanding their soul'.

Your turn! Take your goal or intention that you pulled out the hat and answer those questions and jot them down in your journal.

You may get lots of answers - not just one - and that is awesome as your brain has gone into 'search for answers' mode and this is helping you now.

The next question we will ask is; 'What are my options and obstacles in making this (insert your intention goal here) a reality.

So I would answer that by saying; 'My options are that I can give someone else my topic (a ghost writer) to write my eBook if I don't have the time. However, I love writing so I will write it myself. I can get someone to proof-read and give feedback (I suck at grammar). I can self-publish. I can hire someone to make me the cover design if I don't know how. I can do it myself because I'm creative and I love creating.'

Options are limitless once you allow your brain to go into 'search' mode.

Answer this question for your goal intention and once again jot down the answers in your journal.

Next question is; 'What actions do I need to take to make my goal a reality?'

For my eBook it would be; 'Research my topic and chosen niche. Research what other material is out there on this topic. Research the Amazon Kindle terms and conditions. Set time daily to write'.

Answer this question for your goal.

And the final question is; 'What will I do NOW?' 'What three things will I do now to get going?'

It's all good planning and researching and thinking - but at some point we actually need to do the do - as that's how things are created.

So I would jot down three things and for my eBook I would schedule in time in my diary for next 7 days when I will sit and write without interruption, I would get on Google and start researching my topic and title names and I would open a word document and start writing.

Take your chosen goal and write down what three things you will do now and then go do them now!



That was our Coaching and mentoring session for our Challenge Tip today.

How does that feel?

Now stop reading and get doing and I'll see you next week on Challenge Tip 7! :)

(Ps - I am writing an eBook which is set to publish on Amazon Kindle on 28th Feb!)

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