Tuesday, 8 December 2015

Colour Therapy

I love all seasons - winters too - i just don't like it when it gets dark too quick (well, UK anyway)

I've been reading lots about colour therapy and colouring for adults.

Have you got those adult colouring books?

What do you think of them?

I might make one for y'all here - inspirational and motivational quotes.

Would you want that?

Anyway, have a look at the image above - take a deep breath in - hold - breathe out and allow the colour to flow into your life and allow your creative juices to flow now! :)

Tuesday, 10 November 2015

What does your creativity teach you?

I would have enjoyed school much more if there was more creativity!

So, what does your creativity teach YOU? :)

Tuesday, 27 October 2015

Wash Your Soul With Your Art!

What's YOUR Art?

Silence the noises, tune within and search your art.

Now go practice it and feel the soulful cleanse! :)

Tuesday, 20 October 2015

Your Creativity

As i always say, creativity is unique to each of us!

So, what's YOUR creativity? :)

Tuesday, 13 October 2015

The New Currency

What is it?

Yup, it's YOUR creativity!

So, even if you feel that you're not a creative soul - know that you are and your creativity is unique to you and it's your new currency.

Find your art and share it with the universe and become wealthy in the process too! 

Tuesday, 29 September 2015

Get Out Of Your Fear!

If you feel that you're not creative enough or want to be more creative then...

Seriously, (so long as it is completely safe to do so - i trust you on that one OK?!) it'll get your creative juices flowing! :)

Tuesday, 22 September 2015

Be Brave

...Especially if you're someone who claims that they are not creative (like others!)

Your creativity is unique to you and if it makes you happy then that's what matters the most.

This week be brave enough to live creativity! :)

Tuesday, 15 September 2015

Don't Think - Just Do!

Do YOU overthink things?

Yup, I do too!

Let this post be an inspiration for us this week to get us motivated to get it done now! :)

Tuesday, 8 September 2015

New Season of Creativity

We're entering a new creative season!

Summer was absolutely awesome for me - i took a short break from business and enjoyed it with family as well as getting clear on my life vision and where i want to take my business and life.

It opened me up to more dreaming, more believing and i'm back into achieving it all now.

For students it's back to school, college, university.

You too can get back into study - creative study - here with me.

I will be releasing my 12 week creative course for beginners in a few weeks.

Want in? Let me know in the comments below! :)

Tuesday, 14 July 2015

What is the Fountain of Youth?

Want to drink from the Fountain of Youth?


Well, there you go!

Now you have a formula to defeat age! :)

Tuesday, 7 July 2015

How Do You Create Anything?

I have no idea who quoted this but i think it is brilliant!

I mean, one has to physically create something - whatever your creative venture right now - but mindset is a BIG thing and it's something i practice and teach my clients so this quote helps me get inspired and motivated.

I think i might print it out and stick it up somewhere to see all the time! :)

Tuesday, 30 June 2015

Creativity is important in Education!

We need to cultivate more creativity in our educational institutes - whether that is subjects such as arts or graphics or general studies to even the traditional science, maths and english.

This can be done through creative discussions to outdoor lessons to creative homework projects.

Let creativity reign our lives! :D

Tuesday, 23 June 2015

The Power is in being Creative!

This quote is especially for all those who keep saying to me that they are not creative yet they can connect things together so easily! 


As i always say, each of us is creative - but in our own unique and special way! :)

Tuesday, 16 June 2015

Be Disorderly!

Disclaimer: Don't go breaking the law!

But this week be a lil disorderly - break the rules - and watch those creative juices just flow! ;)

Tuesday, 9 June 2015

Is your mind messy or tidy?

Is it always coming up with ideas?
Mine goes on non-stop!

I have ideas pop into my head every nano second and so wish others would go ahead and implement them because honestly there's only so much I can do! Lol.

Anyways, i don't think my mind is messy - it is always flowing for sure with lots of ideas.

What about yours? :)

Tuesday, 2 June 2015

Inspire Children in Your World

Do you have young children in your world?

Here's how you can inspire and motivate them to just BE!

And whilst you're at it you might just unleash that inner creative child from within...you know, the one you've been hiding from us all? 

Yeah, THAT one!

The world needs it right now! :)

Tuesday, 26 May 2015

The Perfect Moment to be Creative

When is THAT perfect moment?

Each moment is our only moment and right THIS moment you could have your creative inspirations or downloads.


By being open to receiving NOW! :)

Tuesday, 12 May 2015

One Girl and Her Cat

This is Soul Therapy...

On the 24th April 2015 my almost 17 year old cat returned to God.

She was my baby and i miss her so much.

I've talked about her and that has really helped to heal and then i drew this...it's soul therapy for me...

Tuesday, 28 April 2015

How to Unleash your Imagination

I found this on Google.

The steps are: Reflex - Problem Solving - Creativity to Imagination.

Now THAT'S how you Unleash Your Imagination!

What do YOU think? :)

Tuesday, 14 April 2015

How do you see things?

Be a little brave this week and see things for what they can be instead of what they are because it'll set your creative juices flowing! :)

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Trust Your Instincts!

Creativity comes from trust...

It comes from within.

It comes from your instincts.

Tuesday, 31 March 2015

How is your creativity motivated?

Are YOU creatively motivated by the desire to achieve or beat others?

Take a moment and connect with your soul and ask yourself why you do what you do and then let your creative juices flow now! :)

Tuesday, 24 March 2015

Creativity is Therapeutic

Got a lot of inner demons?

We ALL do!

Silence those demons and take control of your mind again.

Hit up your creativity - whatever it is that you love doing - and create freedom for yourself now! :)

Tuesday, 17 March 2015

Are YOU Doubting YOUR Creativity?

Self-doubt is an enemy for our personal growth in any area of our life as well as creativity!

I always get people who say; "I'm not creative!"

But you know something? 

Even MY creativity is not like some established artists creativity.

I have my uniqueness in what i like and when i pursue it.

I stay open to opportunities and i'm not afraid to try.

So, give yourself permission now to just be uniquely you and watch how your creative juices just flow! :)

Tuesday, 10 March 2015

Spring Clean your Mind for a Creative Flow

Want to Unleash your Creative Juices this Spring?

Then let's clean our mind and allow creativity to flow through now! :)

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Creativity is Connecting!

You know, social media can really disconnect us to the real things - the things that really matter.

Get out there and get connecting - people, nature, animals - or discover yourself - connect with your soul - it'll help you unleash your creative juices. It's my challenge for you this week. Just do it now! :)

Tuesday, 24 February 2015

Everyday Creativity

Be creative every single day just by being you!

You don't have to get your paints or colouring set out (you can if you want though) just be you and set the intention to be more creative every day and you'll see signs all day long. Cease the moments and you'll build on your creative muscles and soon you'll be unleashing your creative juices unconsciously! :)

Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Let Go Of Certainty!


...Because it will open up your awareness, you'll see more creative opportunities and you'll easily unleash your inner creative juices.

Certainty to a 'certain' degree is all good however it can stop us from exploring the unknown so let it go and make the intention to get more creativity in your life this year! :)

Tuesday, 20 January 2015

Creativity is Internal

Seek and you shall find - you will find your inner creativity - you have to be open to receiving and you'll be able to unleash your creative juices. 

It's your souls yearning! :)

Tuesday, 13 January 2015

Free the Beagle

OK, so hopefully you grabbed a copy of the book i recommended last week and are reading it now and starting to make those creative and positive changes in your life.

Today's book recommendation - which I've read three times now - is just awesome!

Again, this book was a different read for me but i quickly got into it and boy did i love it.

You will have so many instant, life transforming breakthrough moments - no literally and honestly - this book will walk you through your own personal life journey through this story that you will be amazed at what you learn at the end.

This was another book recommended by my NLP practitioner trainer and in fact it is his favorite book on the 'brain'.

Stop and get your copy now and then let me know in the comments below all the ah-ha moments you have and if you've already read it then i would love to hear from you too!

Happy Creative Reading 2015! :)

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

Da Vinci and the 40 Answers

Stuck on the same ol' questions in life and looking for creative ways to find solutions to your challenges?

Then pick up THIS book and read for 2015!

This really is a 'Playbook for Creativity and Fresh Ideas!'

I was first introduced to this book back in 2010 when i started to study and attend live NLP training courses.

This book is very different to many that i have read and i had to first get used to it so i started the introduction chapter a few times to get the feel of the author's unique style and flow.

It opened up many creative thinking and doing doors for me and i know it will help you too.

Depending upon your reading style - i first found this book just slightly complex - because the author's style was new to me and i had never read this style of writing before but you soon get into his flow and truly appreciate his uniqueness, insights and teachings.

There's actually a little more than 40 chapters which is good because you won't want to finish this book or put it down.

It's practical and i would advice to read the whole book one time first then second time round grab a notebook and make headings of each chapter and what you learned and understood and then read it to start practicing and implementing the teachings.

If you're a creative entrep like me then as soon as you start reading the first chapter you'll get ideas popping at you and you'll start to think up solutions to your challenges - which is good - but be good and do finish this book first (and write down those ideas that pop at you)! 

Now over to you, grab a copy from Amazon and get your 40 answers now!

(And if you've already read this book and applied its teachings then please comment with what you learned and practiced).

Happy Reading 2015! :)

Thursday, 1 January 2015

Happy Creative 2015!

Will YOU be more Creative this year?

I hope so! :)

I pray y'all have a blessed, productive, successful & peaceful day, month, year & life!

Be awesome and be creative!

Make your life a masterpiece by creating masterpieces.

Get out there and get inspired and motivated to create the best life for you and others around you.

Inspiration comes from all over - everywhere - so be aware and be ready to unleash your creative juices this 2015!

Love, duas & light :)